Use time wisely; get drinks and use bathroom before playing and before the bell rings
Must have a hall pass to leave the playground area
Eat snacks in the lunch area only
At freeze bell, stop what you are doing and kneel
Go only one direction on bars and rings.
No “death drops” on bars.
No climbing on top of bars.
Only go DOWN slides. Wait until clear and slide in a sitting position only.
For a turn on spinning toy, count to 25 for every spin, then say, “My turn, please."
Wait in front of the swings a fair distance away so as not to get kicked.
For a turn, count to 25 when feet come forward, then say, “My turn, please.”
No jumping off swings.
Swing only front to back, not side to side.
All “waiters” wait outside the circle.
Players are out if: you “hold” the ball, touch the rope, cross to the other side, or double-hit the ball.
Play inside designated area.
Always include those who ask to play.
Share the field/court if more than one game is being played.
Rotate player positions frequently.
One ball per court, 2 students play at a time
Ball must bounce, hit the wall, then bounce in bounds. Player 2 may hit directly from the wall without letting the ball bounce.
Players are out if: the ball hits twice before or after you hit it; the ball bounces out of bounds.
Player 1 starts by bouncing the ball in their square and then hitting it to another square.
Players then hit the ball to other players. The ball can bounce before they hit.
Players are out if: you do not hit the ball after it bounces once in your square or you hit the ball out of bounds.
Lining up
At freeze bell, students must immediately stop playing, hold the ball, freeze and kneel.
At the whistle, students walk to line up and wait quietly for teachers. This is NOT the time to use the restroom or get water. Students should do this during the break, not after the bell rings.
Students holding the ball at the bell will quickly return the equipment before joining their class line
Myford key chains with a Spirit Stick attached are available for $5. Spirit Sticks are a way we reward students for being awesoME! They are also available to purchase for $1 each, or earn for 20 PAWS Pride Tickets.