Policies & Procedures
- Attendance Policy
- Birthday Policy
- Book Replacement Policy
- Homework Policy
- Parking Lot Safety
- Safety Preparedness
- School Security
- Statement of Non-Discrimination
- Student Fees
- Student Handbook
- Uniform Policy
- Technology Policy
- Volunteer Lanyards
- Wellness Policy
Attendance Policy
The Board of Education believes that regular and punctual attendance in school is essential to a student's success. Absence from school is one of the greatest contributing factors to unsatisfactory schoolwork. Pupils are required by Law and Education Code 48260 to attend school punctually and regularly.
Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education who is absent from school without valid excuse three days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30 minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the superintendent of the school district.
When you know your child will be absent from school, please call the school office at (714) 734-1875 or click Report an Absence. If a student is absent with no notification from the student's parent or guardian, the school will call the student's home. Students will be marked Truant if no communication is received for an absence.
Excused Absences
Trimester Absences
In One Trimester...
At three unexcused absences | First Notification of Truancy |
At six unexcused absences | Second Notification of Truancy and scheduled SART (Student Attendance Review Team) meeting with Administrator |
At nine unexcused absences | Third Notification of Truancy and classification as Habitual Truant |
After Third Notification Letter | Referral to SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) and/or District Attorney meeting |
Trips/Vacations/Family Business
Students and their parents may request a limited Independent Study when it is necessary for the family to be away from school because of a trip, vacation or family business. Independent Study is valid for no less than 3 days but not more than 14 days per request. Limited Independent Study must be approved by the teacher and principal prior to the trip.
Consequences for Truancy or Absence:
If a student is absent with no notification from the student's parent or guardian, the school will call the student's home. Students will be marked Truant if no communication is received for an absence.
Unexcused Absences
Birthday Policy
We care about your children, but believe that school is not the setting for birthday parties. If you would like to acknowledge your children’s birthdays at school, you may bring school supplies or books to be donated or passed out to classmates at the end of the day. Due to allergies, no food items may be distributed.
- Contribute a book to the Myford library through the Birthday Book Program.
- Bring in non-food items for classmates such as pencils, erasers, bookmarks, etc. to be distributed at the end of the day.
- Make a donation to your child’s class charity in honor of your child’s birthday.
- Donate an educational game or book for your child’s classroom.
Book Replacement Policy
It is the mission of the TUSD libraries to provide materials in a variety of formats that promote effective use of information and create a lifelong love of learning and reading. As a part of the library program at Myford Elementary School your student will be assigned a set of textbooks that are kept for the entire year. He or she also has the opportunity to check out library books on a weekly basis.
Students are responsible for keeping library and textbooks in good condition and returning them when they are due. Textbooks are due at the end of the school year. Library books must be returned each week. Students may renew their book(s) for a second week if they are brought to the library for renewal on his or her library day.
As you can imagine, these materials can be quite expensive and there are limited funds available to replace them. Therefore, if a book is lost or damaged, your student is responsible for the replacement cost. Replacement costs include the list price of the book plus 7.75% tax. If your student does not return his or her book(s) within three weeks of the due date, a fine notice will be sent home. If a book is found after a payment has been made, your fine will be refunded providing it has been no longer than 365 days and the book is in good condition.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping your child develop a strong sense of responsibility for school property and library procedures.
Homework Policy
The staff at Myford Elementary believes that homework is a valuable part of the instructional process. Homework provides a structure to ensure learning of the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom and lays the foundation for students taking responsibility for their own learning.
Teachers' Homework responsibilities
- Require that homework meaningfully reflects and reinforces the curriculum / standards
- Ensure that homework assignments are well prepared
- Explain homework assignments to students and review study skills, homework guidelines and expectations
- Facilitate student access to the resources necessary to complete assignments
- Check the homework as it is returned
- If homework is not completed, students will be given a homework alert
Parents' Homework Responsibilities
- Arrange a quiet time and study area including proper lighting
- Provide appropriate materials for homework such as pencils, paper, crayons, glue, and scissors
- Initially review assignment with your child and review finished projects checking for accuracy and neatness
- Call or Email your child's teacher if you have any questions regarding the homework
Students' Homework Responsibilities
- Ask questions in class so the homework is clearly understood
- Take homework assignments and materials home
- Complete and return the homework assignments on time
- Produce a high quality work including accuracy and neatness
- Complete homework assigned during absences within designated time periods.
Suggested Times
Every student should plan on setting aside a reasonable portion of each school evening. Monday through Thursday for homework assignments. As a rule, homework will not be assigned on weekends or holidays, and teachers will be sensitive to special school activities. If your child spends substantially more or less time each day on homework than indicated, please communicate with your child's teacher immediately.
- Kindergarten: 15 minutes per night
- First Grade: 15 - 30 minutes per night which includes 15 minutes of reading
- Second Grade: 30 - 40 minutes per night which includes 20 minutes of reading
- Third Grade: 35 - 45 minutes per night which includes 20 minutes of reading
- Fourth and Fifth Grades: 45 - 60 minutes per night which includes 30 minutes of reading
Parking Lot Safety
We feel it is very important that you and your child review the rules for arriving and leaving the school safely. Please note that Irvine Police Department does patrol our school area. Be sure to pick up your child promptly as supervision is limited. Please cooperate fully with Myford Staff on parking lot patrol as they have your child's safety as their highest priority. We truly appreciate you being courteous to all who are working hard to keep your children safe.
Skateboards, roller blades, roller shoes and skates are PROHIBITED on school grounds at all times.
Drop Off & Pick Up
- Students are not allowed on campus before 7:55 am as there is no supervision before that time.
- Gates close at 8:12 am. Students arrive between 8:12-8:15 must enter through the front office. Students after the 8:15am bell are considered tardy and need to get a tardy slip at the front office before walking to their classroom.
- All students must walk to their line up numbers on the blacktop before school begins. No playing on the playground before or after school.
- On rainy days keep in mind that many more parents will be driving their students to school. Please leave early to give yourself ample time to get to school or plan to walk to school. Make sure to pre-arrange plans for pick-up on rainy days if they are different.
- Please leave dogs and other pets at home when picking up your student for the safety of students and the animals. NO animals are allowed on school grounds or parking areas.
- Please choose the same spot each day for picking up your child in order to ensure there is no confusion.
- Remind your child to never go home with a friend unless previously arranged by you.
- Pick up your children on time! In the event that you will be late picking up your child, please inform the front office.
Parent Expectations at Drop-Off/Pick-Up
- Stay in your cars and keep moving with traffic, leaving no space between your car and the car in front of you.
- You will enter the loading zone in a single file: Do not pass other cars. Do not cut in line.
- You may carefully pull out of the line once your children have exited/loaded.
- Drop off and pick up your children as quickly as possible to help keep traffic moving.
- Cars will be stopped at the crosswalk when the loading zone is full (10-12) cars. This is the only time pedestrians will be allowed to cross the crosswalk from the parking lot/accessible parking spots.
- If parents are parked across the street from the school, their children must cross in the crosswalk.
- Staff designated spaces are for STAFF ONLY. Violators will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- In case of rain, pre-arrange a meeting place with your children. Students will not be allowed to call home from the office. Students need to wait under a protected area.
- DO NOT DOUBLE PARK in front of the school or in the parking lot.
- Enter the parking lot at the specified entrance.
- No parking in the drop-off zones.
- LOADING AND UNLOADING IN YELLOW ZONES ONLY. No parking, loading, or unloading in any red zone. In this case, our on-duty personnel are not able to monitor children’s safety and it also creates a major traffic problem.
Student Expectations at Drop-Off/Pick-Up
- Students are to wait behind the blue line and under the clock tower at the front gate (after school).
- All students and parents will cross the street in the marked crosswalk only (by the front office).
- Students are to follow the directions of the staff on duty.
- Only 4th & 5th grade students may ride bicycles or scooters to school and they must wear a helmet.
- Students riding bicycles are to ride in the same direction as traffic, walk bicycles in the crosswalks to cross streets, and walk their bicycles when on any part of the campus.
- Students on bicycles and scooters must wear helmets at all times.
- Skateboards, roller blades, roller shoes, and skates are PROHIBITED on school grounds AT ALL TIMES.
Safety Preparedness
This page is to inform parents and the Myford community of our school’s safety plan and the ways in which we prepare your children in the event of an emergency. We want our parents to know know the exact procedures for becoming reunited with their children. Please take the time to discuss these very important topics with your family so that everyone is prepared in the unlikely event that there is an emergency!
Monthly Drills
Myford participates in one fire drill per month and four earthquake drills per year. These drills involve all students being evacuated from the building and lining up on the field on the playground. During an earthquake drill, all students drop, cover and hold. Once an “all clear” signal is given, students evacuate the building. Students practice these drills and understand that they are to be taken seriously. Teachers take roll and account for all students. If a child is missing (in the bathroom, at the nurse’s office, or absent) teachers mark that on their emergency reports and hold up a red laminated card to indicate “danger” or “problem”. If all students are accounted for, teachers hold up a green laminated card to indicate “all clear”. Once all teachers’ classes are accounted for the drill is over and students are free to return to their classrooms.
Lockdown Drills
This year students and teachers will be taking part in “lockdown” drills. These drills are practiced so that in the event that there is an intruder on campus, students and staff will know what to do. According to the Irvine Police Department, these drills are also important to practice since the likelihood of student injury and/or death from this type of incident is far greater than that of fire or earthquake. In this type of drill, students remain inside the locked classroom. The goal is for the teacher to keep students safe and inside, away from windows or visibility.
Disaster Duties
All staff members are a part of our disaster team which is comprised of the following:
Command Center: |
Alerts the site to the possible threat via appropriate signals and communicates with team members. Distributes supplies to team members. Sets up command post. |
Search and Rescue |
Works in pairs to search campus for missing/injured persons. |
Site Security |
Secure school by locking gates. Checks all utilities and reports to command center. |
First Aid |
Assess injured students and use triage to administer first aid. |
Supervision/Assembly |
Supervise assembly area and cooperate with the command center for the accounting and release of all students. |
Student Release |
Set up reunion gate with necessary supplies. Call for students from assembly area to reunion gate. Release students given proper documentation. |
Main Gate/Reunion Gate
The main gate is the front gate at the entrance of the school. In the event of an emergency, all gates will be locked and parents/family members will be asked to remain outside these gates. In order to minimize confusion, students will be released to parents only with the proper identification. In order for the school to release a child to someone other than parents and/or legal guardians, we must have your permission. Each year we request this information in the Back to School packets. Please make sure your list is complete and communicate with the people that you have added to your emergency contact list so they are aware that you have identified them as someone who can pick up your kids.
The reunion gate is the back gate and will be used for the sole purpose of student release. Once verification has been made that a student can be released to the parent guardian, etc. the student will be pulled from the supervision area and taken to the reunion gate to be released. Documentation will be made as to who picked up the child, that person’s signature, and the time the student was released.
Water and rations have been purchased and are in our school’s emergency “shed” on the playground. This shed also contains emergency backpacks for search and rescue, etc. All teachers have emergency backpacks within their classrooms which contain first aid kits, flashlights, radios, emergency blankets, safety vests, and student rosters. These backpacks are taken out during all safety drills.
*Please submit a current email address if you haven’t already done so. In the event of an emergency, communication may be sent via email due to the likelihood that phone lines may be busy.
School Security
Recent events on school campuses have hit us all close to home. We want to reassure you that TUSD and Myford Elementary actively train and practice for emergency situations. All visitors are required to check in at the office and/or have been pre-identified with a Volunteer Lanyard for morning drop-off. Monthly we practice not only fire drills and earthquake drills, but also for lockdown emergencies.
If is critical that the contact and medical information we have for each student is current, and we recommend parents review and update your family information at https://parentnet.tustin.k12.ca.us/ParentPortal/LoginParent.aspx
School Gates
In an effort to keep our students and staff safe, we require:
- ALL parents MUST have visible identification while on campus. This means NO ONE should enter campus without a Volunteer Lanyard around their neck or without a Visitor sticker in a visible place on your shirt (both issued from the office).
- To that end, only students will be allowed through the gates before school.
- Morning Drop-Off begins at 7:55.
We appreciate all your support!
Statement of Non-Discrimination
Tustin Unified School District
Myford Elementary
(Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
The Tustin Unified School District does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, medical condition, pregnancy and related conditions, retaliation, or political beliefs; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The District will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in District programs. A copy of the District’s nondiscrimination policy is available from the Tustin Unified School District Office.
The following position is designated Coordinator for Nondiscrimination at Myford Elementary to handle complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and to answer inquiries regarding the District’s nondiscrimination policies:
Rena Fairchild, Principal
Myford Elementary
Any student who feels that he/she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying should immediately contact the Coordinator, the principal, or any other staff member. In addition, any student who observes any such incident should report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.
Any school employee who observes an incident of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying or to whom such an incident is reported shall report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.
Student Fees
Student Handbook
Uniform Policy
Uniform Policy
Uniform Policy
To ensure continuity among the elementary schools, the District developed a standard uniform dress code to be followed by all schools. Myford Elementary adheres to the following guidelines Monday through Thursday. Friday at Myford is Free Dress Day but the attire still must adhere to the TUSD dress code.
Guidelines for the TUSD uniforms are as follows:
- Shoes must be closed-toed.
- Pants should fit well ~ no more than 2” bigger than natural waist size.
- Bike shorts should be worn under skirts/dresses.
- No jeans, sweatpants, leggings, inappropriate logos on any clothing, or makeup.
Spirit Wear is allowed on any day of the week. Choose from a variety of Spirit Wear styles for both girls and boys that can be ordered on the Myford PTO Website here: https://myford.membershiptoolkit.com/
Jeans may be worn ONLY on Free-Dress Friday.
Uniform Waiver
Technology Policy
Volunteer Lanyards
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer for Myford Elementary, we would love your help! In order to keep our campus safe, we expect that all adults have identification.
If you are a routine volunteer or would like to be, please come to the front office to complete a Volunteer Lanyard Request Form available at the front office. We will need a copy of your Drivers License and an understanding of your volunteer capacity (e.g., PTO, Morning Supervision, Classroom, Library, Friday Folders, etc.).
ALL volunteers will need to complete a training prior to working with students. More information is in the Friday Facts.
Wellness Policy

Our District has developed a Wellness Policy that is focused on improving the health of students. The policy was developed with health and wellness advisory council that includes teachers, parents, students, administrators, guidance counselors, and the school nurse.
Sharing the Message of Wellness
One of our goals is to share the message of nutrition and wellness via our department's Web site that emphasizes the importance of nutrition AND fitness. Our site provides information on the nutrition and fitness for teachers, parents, and students, as well as, a variety of learning tools.
Key Areas of our Wellness Policy
Balance is essential for any Wellness Policy. Key areas include:
- Nutrition Education
- Physical activity
- Other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness.
Wellness Goals
- Involvement of parents, students, representatives of school food service, the school board, school administrators, and the community in the development of the school wellness policy.
- Goals for nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness.
- Nutritional guidelines for all food available on each school campus during the school day.
- Assurance that guidelines for reimbursable meals will not be less restrictive than federal regulation and guidance issued by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
A plan for measuring the implementation of the local wellness policy and designation of one or more persons in the district or at each school to oversee the implementation of the adopted wellness policy
Wellness in the Works
Does the Tustin Unified School District have a Wellness Policy?
Yes! The district adopted a Wellness Policy in 2006. The policy applies to every school in the district. The policy assists schools in improving the health of students by promoting physical activity and access to nutritious foods.
Why is wellness important at school?
We know that healthy students learn better. Research has shown a strong link between student health and learning. Increased physical activity and healthy eating habits help students stay focused in school and can reduce and prevent overweight and obesity.
How can I help?
There are many ways you can help support the policy.
Show support for the policy. Spread the word and incorporate the ideas into your home life.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, milk and 100% juice drinks are encouraged on campus. Candy, cupcakes, and sugary beverages are to be avoided during school hours (PLEASE do not send these to school, even for holidays and birthdays).
- Volunteer in your child’s classroom or in the school garden.
- Praise your child for their healthy choices. Ask what they chose from the salad bar at lunch. Ask what they did during recess and PE class.
- Be sure your child eats breakfast every day.
- Be a healthy role model. You can positively impact your child’s eating and physical activity habits by modeling healthy behaviors.
What if I want to do more?
Become a representative for your school site Wellness Team. Volunteer to be on the District’s Wellness Committee by contacting the district’s wellness lead, Theresa Squibb or call 714-730-7301 x396.